Welcome to Change

Hello, I'm Ginnie, and it brings me joy to extend a warm welcome to you at Galaxy Hypnotherapy. Experiences dedicated to facilitating transformative change and guiding you in the powerful technique of rewiring your brain through Neuroplasticity. If you are seeking a journey towards positive transformations with grace you have arrived at the right destination. Society often ingrains in us the mindset that we are damaged, requiring constant fixing and endless discussions about our struggles. But have you ever considered that maybe you are not shattered but merely caught in a repetitive cycle, a pattern awaiting a gentle redirection? What if we could achieve all this without delving into our past repeatedly and rehashing old stories?

You can

This is Hypnosis

This is Deep Conversations Within

This is you in control of your inner thoughts.

You solving your own dynamics - no one else.

Our Mind is a GALAXY - The vast and intricate layers of thought in our minds can be likened to the stars and galaxies that fill the night sky. Just as stars in the night sky form intricate constellations and galaxies, our thoughts are interconnected and form complex patterns and structures within our minds.

Each thought is like a star, shining brightly in its own right, but also part of a greater network of interconnected ideas and beliefs. Just as galaxies contain billions of stars, our minds contain countless thoughts, memories, emotions, and perceptions that shape who we are and how we perceive the world around us.

Just as we can gaze up at the night sky and marvel at the beauty and complexity of the universe, we can also explore the depths of our own minds and discover the wonders and mysteries that lie within. Like the stars and galaxies that inspire awe and wonder, our thoughts can lead us on a journey of self-discovery and understanding, revealing the vastness and complexity of the human mind.


Burning Questions and Facts

Can I be Hypnotized?

Everyone can be Hypnotized, in fact we are in trance many times of each day. When you watch a movie, listen to music, even driving the car. We dip in and out all day long. Its just we dont always register it.

When we enter trance with conscious effort and allowance we can make deep long lasting changes.

Some people often think that they have an overly analytical mind which will stop the process yet I have experienced that these mind types are able to set their conscious mind aside as we work with the sub/unconscious mind.

Because if you want to change the patterns and mental programs you're running, the subconscious mind is where we need to focus.

Almost every client has said they cant meditate yet once experienced Hypnosis with me found they entered a deep state of not only relaxation but deep safe trance like state. And has continued todo so at every session and in their own self lead Hypnosis.

Historically Hypnosis recognized as a medical therapy.

Hypnosis has been around for a very long time with accounts of medical European practitioners using ‘magnetic mesmeric medicine’ in late 1700’s and others pre this time.

I also believe many types shamanistic work throughout the Americas use trance work to heal and rejuvenate the human spirit. It crosses traditions, countries, religions and faiths throughout time.

And now finally getting the recognition it deserves in modern day medicine.

Hypnosis was originally used for anesthetics in dentistry as ether had yet to be invented and finally making its way back into hospitals again to settle patience and offering alternative to local anesthetics. Its also making it way into birthing, dentistry and pain support.

Is it Mind Control?

Absolutely! but its you in control. Its definitely a re connection to self as that one of the biggest comments I get after sessions.

Its the ability to delve into the unconscious/subconscious self and make the changes we need to improve our lives.

I find it fosters clarity of thinking and awareness that we are in control of our minds to a deeper level which becomes an opening to conscious creator thinking.

So yes its definitely control - your control


Thankfully there is so much research going on using Functional MRI -fMRI and Electroencephalography -EEG showing that hypnosis can significantly affect brain activity. These studies have shown that during hypnosis the brain regions related to focus, understanding, emotions and senses are more connected allowing lasting changes in thought patterns, memories, behaviors and reaction under stress.

Neurosciences are diving deep into the effects of Hypnosis more than ever in many areas of work. Effects with Menopausal Brains, Athletes, Pain, Dentistry, Birth, Mental Health the list goes on.

What will it feel like and what should I do?

To me Hypnosis is like having a nice breck, the monkey mind shuts off and my dreamlike state creative brain kicks in. Its like a place I get all the stories in my mind in order and healed.

When I think/consider the most random thoughts within Hypnosis they tend to be the most transformative and I zip past blockages with grace. It isnt emotional only tears of release, letting go of old pains. Truly remarkable.

I like to use really good headphones, take notes after a session and sometimes journal, take some self time, enjoy the spacey peaceful feeling afterward and sometimes the super exciting high!

Isnt it doing something silly on stage?

Yes stage Hypnosis is often where the mind goes first the imprinted version of something silly, the sigma always comes first to mind doesn’t it?

Hypnotherapy is more than just a stage show!

Yet when we think of Hypnosis these “tricks” on stage really can happen. One of my teachers was for a very long time a stage Hypnotist. Until he crossed over into the therapy side of Hypnosis and found how deeply it worked. Now becoming the worlds leading teacher of Hypnosis today.

Stage Hypnosis in its many forms shows us how suggestible the human can be, how when possible we can effect the body into states catalepsy as a ‘trick’ - so why not use this in a different safe manner to achieve amazing results in your life?

Obviously ‘tricks’ have done nothing positive for peoples reactions and trust in Hypnosis over the year, I was one of those! But finally we are now accepting and learning fast that when done with a trained certified Hypnotist one can save many hours in conventional therapy for fast amazing results.


Hypnosis is an advanced state of focus allowing the conscious mind to take a back seat, quieten down whilst the deeper part of the mind -the sub conscious works on making changes by finding the root cause, by softening or removing unwanted emotions connected to or held onto by the mind.

As we know the brain is ever learning and developing new neural pathways in every moment in every day with Neuroplasticity which can be enhanced with repetition and emotional intensity.

Think it

Re- route it

Hard- wire it

Grow it

Think it • Re- route it • Hard- wire it • Grow it •

  • Sleep and Stress

    Need better sleep so the body can reset each night and lower stress level? We can set up night time routine anchors to get to sleep quickly and remain asleep.

    We can also work separately on stress levels. As we all know stress is one of the naughties and particularly for women, known as the hormone stealer, which has a domino effect to the women’s system.

    Lets get stress down by adding coping strategies, remove procrastination and calming the thoughts.

  • Anxiety and Motivation

    The crippler of anxiety needs to stop, it has such a disturbing effect on us and when coupled with no motivation it becomes almost a dangerous loop we can never get out of.

    Let Hypnosis help and support you as you make changes for yourself within.

    I am known for being right there with you, intuitive and completely non judgmental. I create a safe space in your mind for you to work and as I have experienced my own anxiety i know that crippling feeling and that amazing skill we develop of mask wearing. So please know you are heard and understood during this process.

  • Pain and Emotions

    Pain, physically or emotionally leaves us unable, unable to just do. Here we work deeply to help find trigger, old wounds and remove them and reset to a kinder pathway.

    Hypnosis in this area is remarkable, simply put yet profound. Healing relationship pains, patterns, self love, parental abandonment. Physical pain from injury, illness, dentistry or energy stored within the body, all can be lessened sometimes completely removed.

    It is not that you are BROKEN and need fixing. It is just re placing old patterns with new, or re-coding the stories that we have ingrained in our layers of consciousnesses

  • Just need help?

    If you are struggling and just cant work out what it is or just need a something, Hypnosis is amazing for this. The feeling of being alone or lost is a feeling which we all experience at some point in our lives.

    Sometimes words aren’t needed and an Emotional Detox using Kinetic Shifts brings peace and a feeling of not being lost at sea.

Our Negative Story Telling

The negative stories we live in and tell ourselves can be changed, the story does need to be one of pain, unhappiness or illness. You are the creator of your story - your life, make it the best one possible! I have always told my clients to write the best narrative for your story of life, so make it a damn good book!

Allow yourself to make change, give yourself permission to change, be a conscious creator!

How do you want to feel?


And How does all this work?

A safe, kind and calm way to make change in your life’s story. These stories we make lead to patterns we create without knowing it, and ultimately end up as habits. The amazing thing is we have the ability to rewrite these stories in Hypnosis as thought creates our reality.

Hypnosis allows you to access the unconscious/subconscious with laser-sharp focus and clarity to make these changes. Much like in meditation but this is a personalized process with an instant outcome.

By working on these loops in the mind we slow down the fight flight response and allow the mind to settle into new and better patterns.

Hypnosis has been around for a very long time in fact it’s the oldest psychotherapy known. Thankfully research has been on its way over the past 10 years or more helping to understand the mind under MRI’s and watching how the brain fires when given hypnotic suggestions.

The science behind this thanks to Dr David Spiegel studies says that three parts of the brain are affected during hypnosis. Firstly a decrease in activity in the dorsal salience network which allows the focus, total absorption. Secondly an increase in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the insula, the brain-body connection.

And thirdly Spiegel says ‘the team also observed reduced connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the default mode network, which includes the medial prefrontal and the posterior cingulate cortex. This decrease in functional connectivity likely represents a disconnect between someone’s actions and their awareness of their actions, Spiegel said. “When you’re really engaged in something, you don’t really think about doing it — you just do it,” he said. During hypnosis, this kind of disassociation between action and reflection allows the person to engage in activities either suggested by a clinician or self-suggested without devoting mental resources to being self-conscious about the activity ‘ Stanford Med

Isnt it amazing that the main changes in the mind are heightened focus, physical awareness, self-judgment and detachment? Seems to me the perfect recipe for change to happen easily.